Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Your 11-month-old: Week 4

How your baby's growing:

If your baby isn't walking already, she's likely to take her first independent steps soon. (If not, don't worry. Some perfectly normal babies are 17 or 18 months old before they start walking.)

You can encourage your baby to walk by standing or kneeling in front of her and holding out your hands. Or hold both her hands and walk her toward you. If she's like most children, your baby will take those early strides with her arms out to the side (for balance) and bent at the elbows, her feet turned outward, and belly out in front while her bottom sticks out behind (also for balance).

As always, make sure your baby has a safe environment in which to practice her new skills. Follow standard childproofing guidelines and never leave your baby unattended. And keep the camera ready!


Dear blog,

I am posting this post while I am stuck, blurrrrr, stress! A few weeks ago, I never post anything, and it's ok..but handling this online shop, doing all housework, take care of my beloved daughter at the same time are very very challenging. can you do this? For sure, you can say can! because I do as well but time time time is so so so limited! Never think of this happen. I will say I am very proud of myself I can face all this. I am happy, grateful for the job that fulfil my whole time.(24 hours)

Now, I will be more discipline, put high enthusiasm, appreciate every second of my time. And therefore I can make all people happy of me. This week will be more tough handling my baby 1st birthday this Saturday. I am so happy she will be 1 year. Now can understand some order. (^_^) My prayer will always goes to her. Amen.

2015 Updated! FOREVER LIVING!

Hello folks! Its a long time I didn't post any new entry in my blog... Huhhh but my hobby is still the same yah, and of course it...