Hye ya'll..
Today was my last day working due to my maternity leave start on tomorrow...11.5.11 'til 10.7.11... I already handover all job to Dymp my junior & Jun my senior.... (^_^)
And now, is time to concentrate on my pregnancy since next week is my due date.. but if there is no sign od delivery before 19th May, I will be induced on the next day 20th May due to my diabetes!
God, You are the One I offer my life now.. I depend on u now. If I will be delivery soon, please give me a sign,... then s a sign that I could detain. Give me strength, courage & etc which enable me to deliver in a good condition... Amen.
Amen..everthing gonna be just fine sis..:) less worry..God'll keep u..:) take care..^^ n happy holiday..
Amen. THANK YOU. Ya hope everything will be ok.. I believe in HIM. I believe that HE already gave the best for me & baby.. Take care as well sis! GBU
con2 dear, 'b strong yaa' remember tis...
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