Hey ya'll...
Lets welcoming the month of March 2011... W E L C o M e M A R C H.... so what's up.. How was February? Interesting? Happy? Sad? I experienced all these kind of feeling..... and this month I am 7 months pregnant... my body feels so much tired, weak....etc my baby is growing too much fast as well. I wish that she will be ok all the time even I am too busy with daily work & business.. I wish she could understand all these situation..
Last night was 1st of March, actually I heard some bad news from someone...and I am a bit disappointed after all things happened. I am now thinking of every words while talking with this people. I didn't want to blame himself as regard to what he had said but I am shocked he could blame us like that. God please let me free from these problem. YOU knew that a lot of things come one by one into my life that I couldn't understand why is that happen? I am trying to imagine all the wonderful things due to I am pregnant now, and I believe that think too much on problems are not good for my baby.... (I'm sad a bit)
....whatever it is.. I knew God has gifted me with a tough feeling in order to encounter all kind of troubles and same goes to my baby. Even though, whenever I am angry, stress, heart-broken, disappointed.......................................to my close one.............................etc
..What I have to do now is imagine on everything wonderful, happy, beautiful, creative, etc... Train my mind positive until my delivery... I myself will encounter all the painful, sore and hurt! Please strengthen me Father.
.................. See ya.